Our team

Seasoned professionals

Depth and width of experience equals the wisdom to deliver consistent results.

Jeff Lavin
Jeff LaVIN
General Partner


Jeff "The Shredneck" Lavin is a private equity professional who has a deep passion for adventure. He is renowned as the author of the best-selling book "Get Awesome Above and Beyond" and is widely recognized as an inspirational speaker. Beyond his adventurous pursuits, Jeff brings a wealth of experience in private equity, portfolio management, and growth consulting. His insights and expertise are also valued on several boards where he serves. Jeff is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals and lead a truly fulfilling life. It's his mission to turn that vision into a reality.

Brett Monson
Brett monson
General Partner

Brett Monson

Brett Monson is a business optimization & systemization mentor, a marketing architect, and a business buyer. With over 20 years of experience in business and marketing, he has 10X’d the gross profits of enterprise business units in multi-billion dollar firms, paved long-term business infrastructure alongside founders in venture-backed startups, and consulted with small business owners on how to systematize & scale their business. In business, his focus is architecting systems & automations that ensure transferable value, increasing the number of customers, increasing the value per customer, and optimizing the enterprise value. His WHY is enabling people to express their unique BIG GIFT in life so the world compounds with the cumulative value of fulfilled individuals, as all boats rise together with the tide. 

Asset Management

Operational Support

Our executive team of asset managers focuses on providing operational support to the individual businesses in our portfolio, maximizing day-to-day results and keeping them on track to achieving the strategic KPIs of the overall portfolio.

Growth Support

Sales & Marketing

Our sales & marketing teams guide each local management team to optimize their business, sales, and marketing systems, improve monetization structures, and advise on strategic trajectory, enabling them to grow rapidly, while also managing the growth.

Acquisition Engine

Deal Origination & Asset Bundling

Our asset acquisition team finds businesses and assets that fit our portfolio's strategic requirements, negotiates with sellers, and bundles the collective businesses into a package that makes it easy for underwriters to approve our funding.

Interested in investing with us?

Fill out our contact form and we'll reach out to schedule an appointment to explore if there might be a mutual fit with one of our current or upcoming portfolio projects. Our current investors have the right of first refusal, so secure your position today.

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